Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Dermo28 Skincare Review...

I'm sure that any of you who follow me on social media will already know that I have recently being trying out a skincare brand called Dermo28.

I personally had not heard of them before. They are an Italian company and have been around since 1995. They are super passionate about their brand and it is all very professional. I'm talking cosmetologists, doctors, marketing professionals, psychologists. They are a company who want nothing more than good results and happy customers.

They are called Dermo28 for a reason. It takes 28 days for skin cells to regenerate and so it seemed that trying these products out for a month would give me the time to get an honest and more accurate review.

They specialise in hydration and cellular innovation. These are the types of products I don't tend to use. Having acne means I stick to oil-free products, ones that probably dehydrate my skin and I suppose that isn't really a good thing so I was excited to try something new.

Although I would like to mention that they do cater for all skin types by the way. 

So let me start by telling you a bit more about my skin type. I have oily skin, I suffer from acne and although it has improved slightly over the past 2 years, I still have scarring and have my monthly outbursts like a lot of women.
Unfortunately I recently found out that I have a problem with my hormones which is stopping me from having a normal menstrual cycle, they still need to find the underlying condition but this means that acne is not something that I can cure with any product. I need medication and so please bare that in mind with this review. 
I also tend to have rather red skin, mostly because of my acne but I have a few spider veins too.

It sounds ridiculous but when I look back at photos of when I started dating Elliot just a few years ago I notice such a huge difference in my skin and it scares me how much I've aged. 
Obviously I'm going to age, everyone does but it's starting to hit me that I'm turning 25 soon and this is when fine lines tend to start and I don't want to be a drama queen but I'm starting to notice more and more fine lines recently. 

People will laugh at me because I've always looked young for my age but someone put me at age 27 at work the other day. Not a fan of that and so I think it's time to start combating the signs of ageing. Better sooner than later, right? 

I hardly ever moisturise which is probably why I've noticed my skin isn't at it's best. You are supposed to do it morning and night but I am very lazy when it comes to my skincare routine.
My mum always told me that if she could turn back time and do things different, one thing she would have done is start moisturising at an earlier age. You don't realise the importance of it until it's too late!

I always wanted to be that girl who could leave the house without foundation on but unfortunately since being a teenager I've never been able to. Not because I'm self conscious but because I know for a fact I look disgusting. People will say 'no you don't' but I have really bad skin, I'm aware of that, let's not sugar coat it. It gets me down, sometimes on a bad day I don't even like Elliot seeing me after washing my make-up off and I struggle to believe him when he says I'm beautiful because I don't understand how he can see past it. This isn't something I tell him to be honest because I hate coming across as a typical girl who's unhappy and self conscious about their body and needs compliments. I just keep it to myself. I know I could talk to him about anything though.
 He's my rock and every day it hits me how lucky I am to have him. Thank you for trying your hardest to make me feel good.
 It's not society making me feel bad, I know my skin is bad, it's something I need to work on and maybe one day I'll be able to leave the house make-up free.

Now that you know a bit more about my skin type, lets stop the sob story. Cut the cheesy x-factor sad music and lets show you what products Dermo28 actually sent me!

When I received my parcel I was in shock. Although the lovely Claudia had already emailed me telling me what she was sending, it hadn't quite registered. For some reason I read it as two products but actually they sent five full sized products.

When I receive skin care products I always expect sample sizes so it's always a lovely treat when I get a whole bundle of goodies. Not only did I receive the products, but 5 leaflets about their different collections. These are the ranges they have and a little bit of information about each one.


Great for thickening the skin surface and helping with dryness and dehydration. 
Suitable for all ages, this is a deeply moisturising range with anti-oxidant effects and it helps protect your skin from further damage.
Ingredients include Vitamin C, Hyaluronic acid and Hydra term.


Helps with ageing, deep wrinkles and loss of elasticity.
I imagine this is for people who are more of a mature age as it helps restore firmness and reveal younger skin.
Ingredients include Vegetal Stem Cells, Vitamin C and Bio-Elements from yeast.


Another anti-ageing range this helps with fine lines, dryness and dehydration.
This is perfect for me because it combats the first signs of ageing so I would say this was aimed at people aged 30 and under.

Ingredients include Lecithin, Urea and Cellulose Gum. (If any of you want to know what these ingredients are and what they actually do, please feel free to ask me as I do have information on them! I just don't think I could fit it all in this blog post).


Perfect for sensitive skin this helps irritation and reddening, allergies, intolerance's and broken capillaries. I didn't actually receive anything from this range but I reckon I would have really liked these products. Something to consider treating myself to in the future though!

Ingredients include Calendula Officinalis, Argan Oil and Liquorice. There are more ingredients in all the products but these are some of the main ones.


Unica is a very luxury range, it looks very special edition. This range targets dull, malnourished skin. Helps to tone and again helps with wrinkles so a product full of different benefits! I feel like this is a combination of all the ranges in one 'super-range'.

Ingredients include blends of Matrikine, complexes of Oligoelements and Soybean Isoflavons.

Now that you know a bit more about the collections and what sort of products Dermo28 offer, I'm going to list what products I was actually sent, what they are for, what I thought of them, the price and the results of each product.

Hydra Source

Product: Hydra Source Energising Cleansing Foam.

Range: Pro-age

What is it for? : Hydration, prevents the appearance of the signs of ageing, revitalising and firming your skin.

What I thought? : All the Dermo28 products came in a sleek white box with instructions on, when I opened the box I found the bottle was much bigger than I expected. I was really happy to find that this was a foam cleanser. I much prefer a foam cleanser to a cream cleanser. I find that creamy cleansers tend to stay on the surface of the skin for a long amount of time giving you a 'greasy' texture and so I was happy to find it was a foam. You have to use a good two to three pumps for it too lather well. Just one pump doesn't really do much and if you are removing make-up you need plenty of product but because it is a foam they tend to last much longer than average anyway.
The scent actually really reminded me of Eucerin products which is a pleasant smell, I wouldn't know how to describe it but it's nice and clean smelling.
Once I washed it off, my skin felt completely oil-free. Anyone with oily skin will know how great this feels! My skin was silky smooth and felt like it had no imperfections. It's not an exfoliator but it has a very lovely smooth finish. 
I actually found this extremely addictive. As I said I am not very good at keeping on top of my skincare routine but I actually enjoyed using this! I would look forward to washing my skin. I really like this cleanser!

Results: After using this cleanser I have found that my skin does feel better in general, more refreshed and definitely firmer! I would use this again! I also found this took my make-up off really well for a foam cleanser, better than my trusty Ultrabland by Lush.

Price: This retails at £27 which is more than I usually spend on a cleanser. Although a lot of people would not consider this expensive at all and just standard price for a cleanser, I'm more of a low budget sorta girl. I am saving for a wedding, a house and car though!
This is only my second time trying a higher budget skincare brand and so that was exciting for me and I wanted to see if it was actually worth the extra money and I think once I have used the entire bottle I would definitely consider forking out that little bit extra for another supply!

Buy it here

Regolatore pH

Product: Regolatore pH balancing Toner

Range: Aqua

What is it for? : Preserves the natural skin acidity and protects from continuous environmental aggression's.

What I thought: Again, I was surprised at how big the bottle was and happy with it as it is a spray toner.
I do really like other toners that you apply with a cotton wool pad as you feel like you're really cleaning your skin, whereas a spray rests on top of your skin. 
However I also really like it because spray toners are so lightweight and you don't need to touch and rub at your skin which causes blemishes and fine lines.
The scent is very refreshing, quite lemony? It always wakes me up in the morning.
I do find that less is more, two pumps from a fair distance is enough to cover the face with a light layer. Any more and it can become a bit sticky and take a while to absorb into your skin. Having to use so little means it will last much longer. It very much reminded me of Dermologica which is another professional skin care brand who help with skin conditions.

Results: I have definitely noticed my skin is less oily throughout the day. Usually I tend to get quite shiny skin if I haven't touched up my make-up and even when I'm not wearing any make-up around the house, my skin tends to get oily very easily. Since using this and the Crema Acida, I have had less excess oil which is a dream!

Price: I believe this is £40 which again seems a bit steep compared to my usual budget toners but I do find it very difficult to find a product that keeps my excess oil production at bay. Having this hormone disorder means that I will struggle without meds but this was good at keeping it under control so if that's what it takes, £40 isn't breaking the bank too much and I actually think it's a very reasonable price. I've probably spent that trying out a load of other toners that didn't work anyway!

Buy it here

Crema Soffice

Product: Crema Soffice Intensive Moisturising Treatment

Range: Aqua

What is it for: Preserves softness and suppleness of your skin, protects from environmental aggression's, great make up base and daily hydration.

What I thought: This moisturiser is definitely what it says on the packaging. Intense. It's a smaller bottle than the others but again, less is more.
When I first applied this I put far too much on, you really only need a tiny bit but I didn't realise until a week later when I started breaking out in more spots. I started reducing the amount I used of each product and my skin got better again. I think because it's intense that someone with oily skin like myself only needs a small amount and maybe don't use it twice daily. Fit it around you and your skin type, rather than forcing your skin to get used to it
It is quite a liquidy moisturiser but sinks in nicely and doesn't leave a greasy film over your skin.
I did find that it wasn't a great make-up base for myself. I reckon this might be because I use a matte foundation and using a rich moisturiser underneath makes it smudge easier. I found my foundation became patchy and I had never had this problem before so that was a shame but it could just be the combination of the foundation and the product.

Results: Despite the breakout and make-up base I really liked this moisturiser as my skin felt so so soft, it doesn't matter what time of day it is or how long between applications my skin has felt super soft and hydrated since I started using it. I've never had such soft skin! Super hydrating and moisturising and well...that's what we want from a moisturiser right? I shall continue to use this along with the other products but will maybe reduce it to once a day as I believe if I was too use it at night as a night cream then that would suit my skin better and I believe it would still stay hydrated 24/7. It really does have staying power. My make-up would stay better too.

Price: This retails at £51. I personally wouldn't treat myself to this one until I had sorted out my skin with medication. Once my skin was normal I would consider buying this because having all that moisture must be a great thing for your skin. I would 100% recommend this to anyone with dry to normal skin and combination skin. It's a great product and does exactly what you would hope.

Buy it here

Crema Acida

Product: Crema Acida pH Balancing Treatment

Range: Aqua

What is it for? : Perfect intensive treatment for any skin type, reduces and soothes redness, gives a general feeling of wellness.

What did I think? : It's quite a large tube and it says to apply a thin layer on your skin after you cleanse, tone and moisturise. This is again quite a runny texture and so a thin layer uses hardly any product. I feel as though all the Dermo28 products are going to last me a very long time which makes me think the price is actually really reasonable with this brand. I actually really loved this product and this was my favourite one by far. I noticed a huge difference.
It's like a face mask, you keep it on for 15 minutes and then remove it with the toner and a cotton pad. It has a little bit of a tingle to it but I like that in a product because it feels like it's doing something, it wasn't a painful stinging sensation just a tingle. 

Results: I have noticed so many changes from using this. My skin doesn't look as red. Having acne means my skin is always inflamed but this is so soothing on my skin and definitely reduced the redness a lot! I also feel as though I have a healthy glow and more colour in my face. Not a red colour but almost like a slight tan. It hasn't got tanning ingredients in it but my skin just looks...well, exactly like it said it would on the box.
The main difference for me was the balance in my pH levels. I haven't been getting oily skin, no more shininess and I'm putting it down to this. It makes me wonder...if my acne wasn't hormonal and was from wearing make-up and blocked pores etc...would this clear it? Surely if you aren't producing the excess oil that causes the blemishes then this would help? 
Really happy with this product.

Price: £50 and would buy one in the future 100%. Love, love, love.

Buy it here.

Radiance Complex

Product: Radiance Complex Intensive Anti-Ageing Formula

Range: Unica

What is it for?: Aimed at any skin type but specifically mature ones it soothes superficial wrinkles and corrects deep ones. Encourages intense cellular renovation and guarantees a firmer and more radiant look.

What I thought: Wow. This came in such a beautiful box! I knew this one was a special one before I even opened it or read about it. The bottle is so fancy, and actually really big compared to other anti-ageing concentrate bottles. I always find they are very expensive and you get hardly any product. This would last you a very long time indeed. You don't need a lot of product at all. I was so excited about the bottle, it's like a beautiful foundation bottle.
I get really excited about concentrates because I like the texture of them and I always feel like I'm giving myself a really good luxurious pamper when I use them. I feel like a lady who's got her shit together!
This was exactly how I expected it to feel on my skin and it almost has the same smell of fake tan, it hasn't got any in it but it's quite a strong smell but once the product has absorbed the smell goes away.
I've always been a bit dubious about anti-ageing products and that is why I've never tried one. That's right this is my first time using one so I have nothing to compare it to. But I just wonder 'How are you supposed to know if it's working'? The only sure way to know if it's made a difference is to use it and then turn back time and not use it and see if you look any older. 
But either way, it was very nice to have the advantage of trying a more 'high-end' one for my first try.

Results: Its hard to tell. I do have plumper skin but I'm not sure if that is down to this specifically.

Price: at £109 I wouldn't rush to buy it myself and to be honest it says that is aimed at mature skin so I think because I'm just starting out with anti-ageing products I don't feel the need to invest in something of this quality just yet, I feel like that's something I would do later on in life but right now that's a big unnecessary investment for me but I enjoyed using it none the less and will continue to until I run out. I would certainly recommend it to some of the more mature ladies who I know but I can't guarantee any results because who knows? Dermo28 are the experts so I'm sure they know what they are doing anyway!

Buy it here.

My overall thoughts about Dermo28.

I actually loved this brand. It genuinely has made a difference. It would be hard for other people to notice because I don't feel like my skin has changed a ton visibly which is understandable considering it's only been 4 weeks. We can't expect miracles. Plus I already knew this would not help my acne so please ignore the fact I have acne when reading this.
Also, not once have Dermo28 claimed to cure acne anyway. I never expected it to, I guess I just had wishful thinking.
Acne is not something they specialise in. 
The things I have noticed is less oil on my skin so anybody who suffers from oily skin I highly recommend this to.
I have noticed a fuller more plump feeling in my skin, almost a bouncy texture to it like I've gained a bit of weight but I haven't. This is the only product that has ever done that to my skin.
I just have a general feeling of skin wellness.
I have much much much softer skin, the moisturiser has done wonders and is very intensive.
So overall the products have done EXACTLY what they said they would. Earlier in this post I mentioned that Dermo28 specialise in hydrating the skin and they have done exactly that. Each product has excelled my expectations and if you want softer, fuller and all round better skin then this is great. So gentle on your skin and great to improve the texture.
I would buy almost all these products again and will recommend them to family, friends and followers.
I personally wouldn't invest in the Radiance Complex just yet and the moisturiser I still need to find my perfect routine but this did not mean I didn't like the products.

I would love to try more Dermo28 products, especially form the Comfort range or the pro-age as I feel like they would suit my skin type too.

I must have enjoyed them so much because I didn't miss a single day of my routine! Every morning and every night and I don't think I've done that before so I'm very impressed. 

Of course if I notice any other improvements along my journey I will keep everyone updated on my social medias. Sometimes products can take a while to make a huge difference and although I already have noticed a change in my skin, it might get even better, We shall see.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, I actually loved writing it! It's the most effort I've put into a post for a long time.

They also do gift cards so you could even treat your mum or girlfriend with some super special skin-care for Christmas!

And a huge thank you to Claudia and the Dermo28 team. It has been a pleasure, thank you for your generosity and for introducing me to such a great brand. Thank you for helping my skin and I will continue to recommend you. You are such a genuine brand and I wish you all the best.

Much love, 

Disclaimer: I was sent these products free of charge by Dermo28 in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my 100% honest opinion.

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