Sunday, 11 October 2015

Topshop is Teasing Me! ...


This week has been a really good one, I hit over 30,000 followers on my Instagram! How exciting! Big thank you to everyone who follows me, reads my blog, comments, likes and shares my posts and for all of the lovely messages I receive too. It just encourages me to keep it up and I really do love my blogging and you guys just make it so much more fun for me!

I've had quite a lazy week for once! I've had a fair bit of time off work which is nice! I wanted to make it super lazy because I start full-time at work tomorrow which I'm sooo happy about! I really want to be a visual merchandiser and I've gone up to Full time at work which is fantastic!  I also desperately need to save for somewhere to live so plenty of hours is going to help with that!

So I wasn't really planning on writing a blog post today but this morning I was chilling in bed with this handsome little devil...

This is Sir Walter Sebastian Swinfin of Finchfield the Eighth... But you can call him Walties.
As some of you may know I am OBSESSED with my hamster. He is like my child.
Walter and I were having cuddles in bed this morning and browsing the internet on the Ipad and I somehow 'accidentally' stumbled upon the Topshop website.

OH MY GOD. Why did nobody tell me they have sooo many nice things in at the minute?! I know I'm not exactly in the financial position where I can really treat myself to a Topshop haul but it's always nice to know its there! Jeez.

As I'm saving money I thought instead of buying the clothes, I'd write a wish list instead. Just a cute little list of all the items that stood out at me whilst doing my Sunday browsing.


I'm really loving autumnal prints at the minute. It's PROBABLY because it's Autumn, but I don't know...
All the floral patterns, and the khaki, plum, tan and burnt coppers are just beautiful. These two tops are very me, I love the woodland patchwork theme and the fact there are two styles, I'm not sure which one I prefer because they are both so pretty. I'd wear these with just some casual jeans or even dress them up with a cute suede skirt and some ankle boots and woolly tights! oooooh and a brown leather satchel!!! I'm getting excited now haha!

I actually saw a customer wearing this top when they popped into River Island and I thought "Shall I ask her where she bought it?" I instantly thought it looked so nice, I really liked the fit and it looked quite beachy on her, simple yet really cute.
But I chickened out and didn't ask.
However, on my lunch break that same day I popped into Topshop for a browse and just saw it swinging on a fixture. It was definitely a sign that I should get it.
This also comes as a co-ord set with the matching skirt but I really don't like it. The skirt is very long so together it looks like a tight midi dress but I much prefer the top alone!
Some people might not like the fit of this as it's very stretchy material so for people who are self conscious of any curves, this may not be for you!

I'm sorry but this dress is stunning. It's a bit "out there" and I'm not sure when I would wear it but I think it's beautiful. I love the colour, the detail, the shape, the length. I'm a sucker for anything like this. I also think it's quite "halloweeny"? You could definitely rock this at a Halloween party.
Other than that I can't really think what else you could wear it for. It's maybe a bit too dressy to be able to dress it down with a cardi? Let me know what you guys think! If anyone can think of other ways to wear it then be sure to let me know, you might just persuade me! Although at £100 that is going to take a LOT of convincing...

This is sooo sweet! She looks like a little schoolgirl!
I really really want a pinafore. I love the suede ones after seeing some girls at work rocking them with white shirts underneath but I just love the colours in this one! I like the way the model wears this one too, if I had it I reckon I'd also wear it with the ankle boots and polo jumper. 10/10

I LOVE nude stuff at the minute. Not like naked people but the colour, you know. Not that there is anything wrong with naked people.
Babies are born naked and they are really cute.

I had been looking for some lovely nude sandals for the past month or so and I managed to find some in New Look for just £9 which I fell in love with, with a glitzy heel. I don't need any anymore but if I had seen these first I may have bought these. They are so pretty!
I don't actually own any Topshop shoes, so I don't really have any idea if they would be comfortable. I have size 3 feet so it's hard for me to find sandals like this that aren't too big around the ankle. And these are £70 so if they didn't feel like heaven I'd be pretty disappointed. I really like them though, they are super sophisticated and pretty. They would go with ANYTHING. Cold weather is coming though, maybe sandals aren't practical but who cares?!

This cardigan is just perfect. Long length cardigans are the way forward! It looks so comfy, I bet it feels nice, you know when you can just tell by looking? This would look lovely with some jeans, or leggings and some ankle boots with a cute little handbag.


Also because the arms look very fitted I imagine they keep the warmth in. This is definitely an item that everyone needs in their wardrobe over autumn/winter.
The long length cardi. Doesn't have to be this exact one. You just need one.

High-waisted paper bag shorts! These are adorable. Omg. I neeeeeed these!
Funny story... I bought some paper bag shorts on EBay when I was like 19? and they were khaki and looked so nice! When I got them through the post they were the most disgusting things I had ever seen.
They were like a mouldy brown colour and silky material that was so creased that no iron in the world could have done them justice!
Moral of the story... Don't buy paper bag shorts off eBay for £2.50 :)

THESE ones ,however, are perfection. You could make so many cute outfits with these! Nautical, Parisian, Casual, Painter.
I love them. Someone buy me these please. I've always wanted some good quality Paper bag shorts.

When I saw this I actually squealed. And probably terrified my hamster half to death, poor thing.
This is amazing.
Yet again, perfect for Halloween. I love that the shops are bringing in all this gothic style stuff lately. I'm going to jump on the bandwagon with this one.
As I just said, I love pinafores and white shirts so when I saw this I got really excited. Although it is a playsuit and its velvet! As a teenager I remember loathing velvet but now I just can't get enough! 
I wish this was from River Island so I could wear it for work. I love the added touch of the pussybow collar too! So cute!
I'm aware this kind of looks a bit fancy dress... But I don't care. I would wear this every day. All day. Every day.

Mermaids! I don't know if it's just me but has anyone noticed that mermaids are coming back into fashion?  I'm seeing a lot of it in shop windows, lots of two-toned items and sequins? I like it.

Is it bad that I like this? I don't think I'd wear it. But I'd like to see someone in it. Someone buy it! Please? Haha! It also comes in silver and is actually designed by Jaded London.

This my friends, is one of my favourite things I spotted today.
I don't know what it is about it that I really like.
All I know is that I really want it. You could dress it up or down and it's perfect for this season. I also feel like anyone could wear this and wear it well. Wouldn't matter about your size, skin tone, hair colour. Anybody else agree? Let me know your opinions!

I know this is different.
I imagine a lot of people might find this a bit lurid, a bit garish.
But I quite like it? I love anything with the sun, moon, planets, galaxy etc. (if its done well) so this really stood out at me, I love the colour although I know I couldn't wear this because it would most certainly clash with my ginger hair and if I could wear it I wouldn't wear the set, maybe just one item at a time with other clothes? But I just love the pattern. If they did this in a slightly different colour I'd whip it up in a second.

Andddd last but not least. These cute accessories. I was saying to Elliot last night how I'm not really much of a sock person but the dinosaur ones are the coolest socks I've seen in a long time, and I'm starting to get excited for Halloween after today so the ones with the bats are amazing too!

I really want a beanie hat! It's hard to find them these days without pom-poms or being slouchy.
I got my inspiration after watching the film 'If I Stay' with Chloe Grace Moretz. If you haven't seen it yet, I recommend it! Make sure you have tissues handy though!

Well anyway, she wears a beanie and it made me want one so thought I'd add that in haha!

I pretty much love all the accessories at Topshop recently so here is a link to the accessories page! They also have an obsession with Krusty the Clown at the minute if anybody is interested? lol

Well, this brings me to the end of my wish list! As you can see Topshop have some amazing stuff in at the moment so definitely have a look on the website and in store. Hope my post has given you some style inspo or made you realise that I like some rather odd things.

Disclaimer: All photos are taken from the Topshop website. I take no credit for any of the pictures!

Hope you all have a lovely week

Much love,

Stacie xoxo

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